Death by Cotton
Silk, that lustrous fabric that although breaks the bank is sought after by many. Alluding to a life of opulence and allure, the silk pillowcase is now the leading beauty trend of yesterday, today and tomorrow. What however, has silk got, that outcompetes its many competitors? In other words, what does it have over the cotton pillowcase, the linen duvet or the Kerastase moisturising treatment? Let’s find out.
Leading hair stylists such as Cherie Cowan and Andre Walker swear by the many benefits the use of silk can leave on your hair, skin and even slumber—and with proficient and globally recognised dermatologists, sleep experts and natural fibre specialists, to whom all share the same sentiment— it is only natural for us to reconsider what we are placing our heads onto at night. I mean, if Victoria Beckham, Gisele Bündchen, Cindy Crawford, Drew Barrymore and Kourtney Kardashian are all on the silk train, naturally, we are too. Choo Choo!
Let’s begin by understanding what silk is and why we should justify its alarming companion of a price tag. Silk comes in a number of varieties, however the most luxuriously shopped is the silk made from the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx Mori. Although these fibre-making friends aren’t actually a worm, but are in fact a commercially bred caterpillar, (to whom take part in the domesticated moth family), the silkworm has become a highly regarded tool for creating the silk we know, love and cry over when shopped, today.
‘Soft, lustrous, smooth and shiny’, are words described by associate professor, Dr Rangam Rajkhowa, at the Deakin University’s Institute for Frontier Materials when referring to the make-up and fabrication of silk. Dr Rangam Rajkhowa is a leading specialist in silk and natural fibre research and is known for his respected work in silk biomaterials and technologies. With a background in textile technology, a master degree in fibre science and technology and a PhD in engineering, his work and knowledge within the field is admired by many. Rajkhowa explained the immeasurable benefits the smooth exterior found in silk can have on sleep and skin irritability. Juxtaposing the length and texture of cotton fibres to silk fibres, Rajkhowa explained how the longer and finer threads found in silk—as a result of the spinning process involved in its formation—is much softer then the shorter and thicker threads found in cotton. He explained, ‘because of that [spinning process] [silk] is smooth, it’s also very lustrous and shiny, and it’s a bit crispy.’ Although the inner support of a pillow is definitely the most important attribute when trying to enhance and elongate your slumber, the softer exterior still places pertinent benefits when attributing to a more comfortable sleep.
Gary Goldenberg, M.D. of Goldenberg Dermatology in New York City, outlined the formidable benefits natural fabrics such as silk can have on your skin. According to a number of studies, natural fabrics such as silk, are a lot kinder to sensitive skin, acne or acne prone skin and eczema. He discussed how making the switch to high-quality silk for example, can limit irritability and redness, due to its anti-clogging nature toward your pores. Please also bear in mind, that although cotton and wool are deemed natural fibres, they do not share the same benefits as silk. Celebrity hair stylist Andre Walker for example, illustrated the negative ramifications standard pillowcases such as cotton, can place on the health, look and feel of your hair. He explained, ‘standard cotton cases are known to cause breakage and split ends,’ ‘silk pillowcases help to maintain your style, in addition to keeping your curls and coils from frizzing and straightening out.’ He also challenged the absorbent nature of fabrics such as cotton, denoting their power to ‘sap your hair of moisture.’
Australian made and 100 percent mulberry silk, Night Babe will soon become your one-stop-shop for all things self-care. Featuring a range of earth inspired tones, each frizz-free pillowcase is locally made, here in Melbourne. With zero friction, our pillowcases are inspired by the practical and modern individual, providing a longer return to keep your pillow in its place!
Night Babe is all thing’s hair, skin and slumber care. Make the switch today, put your blow dry first and shop the unique collection here at Night Babe.
Author: Amaani Alikhan for Night Babe